Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Tips for Transitioning from Community College to University

4 Tips for Transitioning from Community College to University Transferring from a community college to a university can be both intimidating and exciting. Despite this mix of emotions, the transition doesnt have to be an unpleasant process. There are things you can do, both while attending your community college and when starting a new school, that can make the process less stressful. Tips for transitioning from community college to university include conversing with your advisors, researching credit transfer opportunities, and attending orientation events at your new four-year school. Looking to make this big step as smooth as possible? Keep reading to discover our tips for transitioning from community college to university. Tip #1: When transitioning from community college to university, be sure to meet with your advisor(s) Your academic advisor can help you focus your time at community college. Your advisor should assist you in maximizing your time in terms of classes, internships, and any other academic opportunities that may strengthen you as a candidate for a university. Make meeting with your academic advisor a priority each semester to ensure you stay on top of all requirements and deadlines. Additionally, its important to meet with a transfer advisor. This may be the same person as your academic advisor, so research your schools policies. Your transfer advisor will help you research different four-year schools in order to find the best ones for you to apply to, as well as help you create and follow an application timeline. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew About Picking a College Major] Tip #2: When transitioning from community college to university, research credit transfer opportunities Some community colleges have transfer agreements, or articulation agreements, with universities. Such agreements put into writing which courses transfer and their equivalencies at the four-year school. Due to the amount of transfer credit that has already been determined, a transfer between the two schools will be simpler than transferring between two schools that dont have an articulation agreement. However, its not impossible to transfer between schools without agreements. If youre interested in schools without articulation agreements, do your research in terms of what classes will transfer and what grades you need to secure. Search websites, reach out to advisors and admissions officers from the four-year schools, and check in with your own advisor to learn more. [RELATED: Know the Difference Between In-Person, Online, and Hybrid Courses] Tip #3: When transitioning from community college to university, keep all your paperwork organized Youll encounter a lot of paperwork during this process, so its key to keep track of it all. Store your transfer paperwork and the application materials youll need to complete for universities in one easily accessible location. Another idea is to organize due dates and important requirements in a spreadsheet that you can access from home and school. Be sure to fill out the FAFSA (or Free Application for Federal Student Aid) if youre eligible for financial aid. Also, set aside time to research scholarships. Some schools offer scholarships specifically for transfer students. Conduct online research, as well as speak to admissions counselors, to gather information. [RELATED: 4 Ways to Get Involved on Campus as a Commuter Student] Tip #4: When transitioning from community college to university, attend events at your new school After youve been admitted to a university, take advantage of any opportunities they offer to prepare for the transition. It can be helpful to touch base with relevant people from your new school in order to seek out support, including: Inquire with an admissions counselor if theyre able to put you into contact with a current student who has gone through the transfer process. Contact the department youre interested in majoring in to see what resources they may have available to you throughout this transition. Be sure to attend orientation, as well. Orientation often provides helpful information for navigating your new school and can introduce you to a plethora of new people. Throughout the transfer process, dont be afraid to ask questions. Fostering an open line of communication with your advisors, researching credit opportunities, and forming connections with future classmates and professors are just a few strategies that will help you succeed at your new institution. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

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